Ways You Can Work With Me

Achieve success with strategic guidance and heartfelt support

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I’m Lynda Steffens, and I’m here to guide you from where you are now, to where you want to be.

With over 30 years of experience in accounting and business improvement, I understand the challenges you face as a service-based business owner. Whether you’re feeling burnt out, stuck, or simply seeking a new direction, I’m here to help you transform your business and achieve your goals with confidence and clarity

My Approach

My approach is rooted in a deep understanding of both the financial and emotional aspects of running a business. I combine pragmatic business strategies with a heartfelt commitment to your personal and professional growth.

Here’s how we can work together:

1:1 Deep Insight Gathering (DIG) Session

A comprehensive, one-off session designed to dive deep into your business’s current state. We’ll uncover hidden opportunities and identify key areas for improvement.

MyndSync 12 Week Program & Workshops

Experience the power of collective support, stay accountable to your goals, and develop a growth mindset to overcome challenges through the revolutionary MyndSync model.

Especially for Accountants

If you’re an accountant in public practice looking to level up your leadership and reach your highest potential, there’s a number of ways i can support you. 

Why Work With Me?

Have you ever set goals for your business, only to find that they just didn’t stick? It’s a common experience for many business owners, and it’s not because you lack ambition or effort. The truth is, our minds are hardwired to revert to familiar behaviors, even when those habits aren’t serving us. This is where I come in.

As a Business Improvement Coach, I understand the intricate balance between the practical and the personal aspects of running a business. My approach goes beyond just creating a plan – it’s about rewiring your mindset to support lasting change. Together, we’ll dig deep into the patterns that have been holding you back and consciously create new ones that align with your goals.

Imagine achieving your business objectives with the same ease and confidence as you would when relaxing on the couch. It might sound far-fetched, but with the right mindset, it’s entirely possible. I’m here to help you become the driver of your own success, guiding you to make conscious, courageous choices that lead to sustainable growth and fulfillment.

When we work together, we don’t just set goals – we ensure that you have the tools and mindset to achieve them. With over 30 years of experience in both accounting and business improvement, I offer a unique blend of financial acumen and deep empathy for the challenges you face. I’m committed to helping you not just survive in your business but thrive.

Let’s transform the way you approach your business, one courageous step at a time.


Testimonials and Success Stories

Alyce Clothier
I have always struggled with prioritisation. I know what I want to achieve in my business but having enough hours in the day to get it done is an issue. Bringing it back to what is really important to me is so helpful to keep on track with my goals. I can’t recommend Lynda and Jay highly enough. This workshop is so valuable to re-group with yourself, start thinking clearly and shift your mindset with helpful tools to keep yourself on track and make better decisions.
Alyce Clothier
Wild Orange Strategies
I have always struggled with prioritisation. I know what I want to achieve in my business but having enough hours in the day to get it done is an issue. Bringing it back to what is really important to me is so helpful to keep on track with my goals. I can’t recommend Lynda and Jay highly enough. This workshop is so valuable to re-group with yourself, start thinking clearly and shift your mindset with helpful tools to keep yourself on track and make better decisions.
Alyce Clothier
Alyce Clothier
Wild Orange Strategies
Sharyn Watson
I’ve run a now very successful business for over 10 years and I’ve struggled with imposter syndrome in the past, feeling as though I didn’t match how people described me; that powerful ambitious business woman. Working with Jay has really helped me put what’s important into focus. For the first time in my life, my physical fitness just happens, I don’t have to make myself do it and having struggled with this my entire life, it’s amazing! Jay has bought balance into my life.
Sharyn Watson
Watmar Electrical Contractors
I’ve run a now very successful business for over 10 years and I’ve struggled with imposter syndrome in the past, feeling as though I didn’t match how people described me; that powerful ambitious business woman. Working with Jay has really helped me put what’s important into focus. For the first time in my life, my physical fitness just happens, I don’t have to make myself do it and having struggled with this my entire life, it’s amazing! Jay has bought balance into my life.
Sharyn Watson
Sharyn Watson
Watmar Electrical Contractors
Carly Chant
As an accountant who built a successful practice over 10 years and then sold it, I love diversity of thought at a table. Jay and I are completely opposite when it comes to how we think and I love that. She stumps me but in a supportive way and I realise I still have things to learn. She approaches questions with permission and you can just feel her support. She’s my whole pit-crew for life and business.
Carly Chant
Freelance Strategic Advisor
As an accountant who built a successful practice over 10 years and then sold it, I love diversity of thought at a table. Jay and I are completely opposite when it comes to how we think and I love that. She stumps me but in a supportive way and I realise I still have things to learn. She approaches questions with permission and you can just feel her support. She’s my whole pit-crew for life and business.
Carly Chant
Carly Chant
Freelance Strategic Advisor
Tracy Prescott
When you’re wanting to set a goal or when you’re on your way to reaching a goal you forget to look back and see just how far you’ve come. Jay has really helped me with my self-reflection and helped shift my perspective from looking at what I don’t have or haven’t achieved yet to realising how strong I am and how much I have accomplished. Working with Jay has given me my joy and self-appreciation back. Goals are now fun, not stressful.
Tracy Prescott
Self Connection
When you’re wanting to set a goal or when you’re on your way to reaching a goal you forget to look back and see just how far you’ve come. Jay has really helped me with my self-reflection and helped shift my perspective from looking at what I don’t have or haven’t achieved yet to realising how strong I am and how much I have accomplished. Working with Jay has given me my joy and self-appreciation back. Goals are now fun, not stressful.
Tracy Prescott
Tracy Prescott
Self Connection
Gregg Fyffe
Trying to juggle clients, a business and family is hard. Working with Jay and Lynda was really good as Lynda is pragmatic, logical and gives you great guidance while Jay helps you look at things from a different perspective.
Gregg Fyffe
Active Living Physio and Sports Health
Trying to juggle clients, a business and family is hard. Working with Jay and Lynda was really good as Lynda is pragmatic, logical and gives you great guidance while Jay helps you look at things from a different perspective.
Gregg Fyffe
Gregg Fyffe
Active Living Physio and Sports Health
Brad Ferguson
Lynda really helped us get clarity around certain issues we were facing in our business. We could then set goals around what and when to implement, keeping us accountable to make sure we did them. I highly recommend working with Lynda.
Brad Ferguson
Bookeeze Bookkeeping
Lynda really helped us get clarity around certain issues we were facing in our business. We could then set goals around what and when to implement, keeping us accountable to make sure we did them. I highly recommend working with Lynda.
Brad Ferguson
Brad Ferguson
Bookeeze Bookkeeping
Jeannie Anderson
This is not a cookie-cutter approach (to goal setting). It's not the 'we've always done it this way, we're too busy to change, let's look at it next year." It's a total shake up. We didn't know what we didn't know but now we have the confidence to do things differently.
Jeannie Anderson
Mayberry, Meldrum, Anderson
This is not a cookie-cutter approach (to goal setting). It's not the 'we've always done it this way, we're too busy to change, let's look at it next year." It's a total shake up. We didn't know what we didn't know but now we have the confidence to do things differently.
Jeannie Anderson
Jeannie Anderson
Mayberry, Meldrum, Anderson
Bec Snow
I have found that most business coaches push ‘sales’ but this workshop is not that. I wanted support in decision making. I also needed someone to help me follow through and I found that working with Lynda and Jay. Jay really helped me with my mindset around my goals and Lynda kept me on track by bringing it back to business. I highly recommend them both.
Bec Snow
Bec Snow Hairdresser
I have found that most business coaches push ‘sales’ but this workshop is not that. I wanted support in decision making. I also needed someone to help me follow through and I found that working with Lynda and Jay. Jay really helped me with my mindset around my goals and Lynda kept me on track by bringing it back to business. I highly recommend them both.
Bec Snow
Bec Snow
Bec Snow Hairdresser
Sceona Tramontana
It’s like a meeting of the minds! It’s been so helpful to talk about what I’m planning, getting encouragement, and feeling supported to implement decisions. It really hit home for me to not wait until everything is perfect, just jump in!
Sceona Tramontana
Tramontana Accountants
It’s like a meeting of the minds! It’s been so helpful to talk about what I’m planning, getting encouragement, and feeling supported to implement decisions. It really hit home for me to not wait until everything is perfect, just jump in!
Sceona Tramontana
Sceona Tramontana
Tramontana Accountants
Darren Last-Harris
Lynda has that genuine enthusiasm for what she teaches and it's quite infectious. She's clearly passionate about what she does and that enthusiasm rubs off, she makes you feel passionate about what you’re doing. She's enthusiastic but she's also an introvert, like me (an accountant). Because she's an introvert, she understands the battle that introverts go through. But she's also trained in coaching and human behaviour - it’s that human connection that I related to and really enjoyed.
Darren Last-Harris
French Last-Harris Ltd
Lynda has that genuine enthusiasm for what she teaches and it's quite infectious. She's clearly passionate about what she does and that enthusiasm rubs off, she makes you feel passionate about what you’re doing. She's enthusiastic but she's also an introvert, like me (an accountant). Because she's an introvert, she understands the battle that introverts go through. But she's also trained in coaching and human behaviour - it’s that human connection that I related to and really enjoyed.
Darren Last-Harris
Darren Last-Harris
French Last-Harris Ltd

Are you ready to lead a purpose-driven life and business?

Book a discovery call with Lynda to get started.




(+61) 0409 587 322




430 Marine Parade, Biggera Waters QLD